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Заголовок $79.1 Billion Lost in Two Years to Deepfake Scams
Дата 20240630

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============= Обработанный текст:
$79.1 Billion Lost in Two Years to Deepfake Scams

Bitget Research s recent report highlighted a dramatic rise in scams
featuring deepfake technology. According to their data, malicious technology
use jumped 245% in 2024 alone.

These scams, usually leveraging fake celebrity endorsements, have become
increasingly sophisticated, targeting unsuspecting investors and causing
significant financial damage.

Deepfake Scams Caused $79.1 Billion Loss



Deepfake technology, which manipulates photos and videos to create
hyper-realistic fake content, has been weaponized to promote fraudulent
schemes. According to the report, users have lost $79.1 billion to
cyberattacks involving deepfakes since the beginning of 2022.

The losses are increasing each year, with a significant surge in 2024, where
the amount more than doubled, rising by 245%. Bitget estimates that potential
damage from deepfake scams could reach $10 billion per quarter by 2025.

Deepfakes are moving into the crypto sector in force and there is
little we can do to stop them without proper education and awareness. The
vigilance of the users and their ability to discern scams and fraud from real
offerings is still the most effective line of defence against such crimes,
until a comprehensive legal and cybersecurity framework is in place on a
global scale,” said Gracy Chen, the CEO at Bitget, commenting on the figures
outlined in the report.

Read more: Crypto Social Media• Коммуникации » Интернет-коммуникации » Интернет-сообщество » Социальные сети Scams: How to Stay Safe



Experts have identified several key methods of using deepfakes in the crypto
industry. These include:

Social Engineering. Fraudsters impersonate famous people or employees of large
companies to trick users into transferring cryptocurrency to them.

Bots. Deepfakes create fake accounts on social media• Коммуникации » Интернет-коммуникации » Интернет-сообщество » Социальные сети and other platforms,
which then spread misinformation and advertise fraudulent crypto projects.

Market Manipulation. Scammers use deepfakes to spread false news and rumors
that can influence market prices.

Investment Fraud. Attackers create videos and presentations with deepfakes to
attract funds to fraudulent projects.

Among these methods, social engineering and bot fraud accounted for 14.21% of
all deepfake crimes in the first quarter of 2024. Analysts estimate the losses
from these methods at $2.03 billion. If authorities do not take effective
measures, the number of incidents involving malicious technology in the crypto
industry could increase by 70% by early 2026.

An Ongoing Trend

The rise in deepfake technology has coincided with the growing popularity of
celebrity tokens . Over the past couple of months, dozens of new meme coins
have been launched, featuring both real celebrities and impersonators behind

Tokens such as JENNER, ZUMI, RICH, DOLL, and others have sparked intense
debate within the crypto community, raising concerns about market manipulation
, fraud, and the ethical implications of leveraging celebrity influence in
cryptocurrency promotions.

Well-known entrepreneurs are frequent targets of scammers. On June 23, a
five-hour YouTube• Объект организация » Организации по алфавиту » Организации на Yo » YouTube Live broadcast featuring a deepfake of Elon Musk• Объект человек » Персоналии по алфавиту » Персоналии на Ма » Маск, Илон promoted a
cryptocurrency scam, continuing the trend of similar fraudulent streams.



A deepfake live stream of Elon Musk• Объект человек » Персоналии по алфавиту » Персоналии на Ма » Маск, Илон promoting a crypto giveaway scam is
currently live on YouTube• Объект организация » Организации по алфавиту » Организации на Yo » YouTube with around 30,000 viewers. It’s funny how YouTube• Объект организация » Организации по алфавиту » Организации на Yo » YouTube
isn’t doing anything about it. pic.twitter.com• Коммуникации » Интернет-коммуникации » Интернет-сообщество » Социальные сети » Х (Twitter)/xIfQVkdgM2 — sid
(@immasiddtweets) June 23, 2024

The now-removed video claimed to show a live Tesla• Объект организация » Организации по алфавиту » Организации на Te » Tesla Motors event, using an
AI-generated version of Musk’s voice to lure viewers to a website. The fake
Musk urged viewers to deposit Bitcoin (BTC• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Bitcoin), Ethereum (ETH• Экономика » Финансы » Платежные средства » Платежные системы интернета » Криптовалюта » Ethereum), or Dogecoin
(DOGE) for a supposed giveaway, promising to automatically send back
double the amount.

The stream attracted over 30,000 viewers at its peak, though bot inflation
cannot be ruled out. It topped YouTube• Объект организация » Организации по алфавиту » Организации на Yo » YouTube’s Live Now recommendations. The
channel, @elon.teslastream, had the Official Artist Channel verification
badge, suggesting a possible account compromise.

Read more: Crypto Scam Projects: How To Spot Fake Tokens

Cryptocurrency users should be extremely vigilant and not trust everything
they see online, especially on social media• Коммуникации » Интернет-коммуникации » Интернет-сообщество » Социальные сети platforms like X, Instagram• Коммуникации » Интернет-коммуникации » Интернет-сообщество » Социальные сети » Instagram, and
others, which are the primary channels for spreading deepfakes. Experts urge
everyone to verify information and use only reliable sources carefully.
Additionally, using two-factor authentication (2FA) is crucial, especially for
accounts related to crypto.



In adherence to the Trust Project guidelines, BeInCrypto is committed to
unbiased, transparent reporting. This news article aims to provide accurate,
timely information. However, readers are advised to verify facts independently
and consult with a professional before making any decisions based on this
content. Please note that our Terms and Conditions , Privacy Policy , and
Disclaimers have been updated.

============= Итог: 5,8484 ; Коммуникации#Интернет-коммуникации#Интернет-сообщество#Социальные сети #YouTube 4,6242 ; Коммуникации#Интернет-коммуникации#Интернет-сообщество#Социальные сети #Х (Twitter)#Маск, Илон 3,3242 ; Коммуникации#Интернет-коммуникации#Интернет-сообщество#Социальные сети #Instagram 3,5320 ; Экономика#Финансы#Платежные средства#Платежные системы интернета #Криптовалюта#Ethereum#Bitcoin 3,5320 ; Экономика#Финансы#Платежные средства#Платежные системы интернета #Криптовалюта#Bitcoin#Ethereum

============= Объекты: персоналии Маск, Илон Американский инженер, предприниматель, инвестор организации Tesla Motors YouTube Социальные сети сетевые Instagram YouTube сетевые_сообщества Х (Twitter)

============= Связи: Bitcoin # ассоциации 2014-*** # Ethereum Маск, Илон # ассоциации # Tesla Motors Х (Twitter) # ассоциации # Маск, Илон

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